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    Clip Description

    A tale from the Nether Lands !

    Three beautiful have been sentenced to death by hanging. They are individually placed on a gallows and sequentially hanged. First Ildiko drops through the trapdoor followed by Orsi and Susanne. Beautifully done on a realistic gallows.

    Starring: Ildiko, Orsi and Susanne
    Theme: hanging

    Run Time: 06:55
    351 MB

    Clip Duration:      7 minutes
    Format Size
    mp4351.07 MB

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Crista, susanne, monica, orsi, sophie and anne have all been captures and are executed as partisans by the army.  Six brave fighters lose their heads on the guillotine.

starring: crista, susanne, monica, orsi, sophie and anne

    HANGED FOR STEALING - A Tale from the Netherlands 

Ildiko, a gypsy, gets caught stealing some diamond studded earrings.  When she claims that they are hers Susanne and Orsi become judge, jury and executioner.  Poor Ildiko is hanged despite her threats of vengeance from her family and the promise of nasty curses.

Starring: Ildiko, Susanne and Orsi 
Theme: Hanging

Run Time: 05:32 
279 MB

    TIPSY GUILLOTINE PLAY - Her boyfriend says he has an idea…how about a little bondage and noose play? He loves her legs and would like to see them dangle as she does a little dance for him at the end of a rope.  She thinks that sounds good to her….she likes the idea of a little peril play. He has her stand up, and he binds her hands behind her, and leads her off.

He brings her to a chair or stool, with a noose dangling from the ceiling above it. She looks up at it and smiles…a hanging scene, she likes it.

She coyly asks him if he is going to hang her?  He doesn’t answer, just asks her to stand on the stool, and he helps her up. He climbs on a chair next to her, and opens the noose in front of her…she stretches her neck and head forward, helping him put her head in it.  She is not afraid at all…she is really into this.  She orders him to pull the noose tight…he does so, and descends from the chair. The camera is capturing the full length of the scene.

He admires her legs from this vantage point and fondles them She really likes this…She tells him she has a hanging fetish…that she is quite excited by this.  Dancing from the end of a rope is such a sexy way to show of her legs….wouldn’t he like to see that? Wouldn’t he like to see her swing…her knees at eye level? She plays with him a little, acting like she is going to step off of the chair. She is a smart ass, and taunts him so more about her hanging and him getting off on it.  He kind of hopes she does it and encourages her, kicking the stool or chair a little.  She laughs and says she wouldn’t really step off the chair…and jokes that she is saving herself for beheading. He tells her that if that is what she is into, he has a model guillotine.

This brightens her up, and she says she want to see it. He helps her down and they head to the guillotine….she is still bound. It is set up for a kneeling beheading. She is very excited to see it…she thought he was kidding her.  She walks around, looking at it, admiring it.  She’s been interested in beheading since she was young…axe, sword and guillotine. She was always disappointed that the heroine in the movies was always rescued right before losing her head.  She sits down on the guillotine plank and crosses her legs.

Does it work? He tells her it does…Will he let her try it out? She really wants to experience having her head locked in the lunette with the blade over it. He teases her…he’s not so sure. Beheading is kind of messy. Wouldn’t she rather he just hang her?

She begs him…isn’t he interested in seeing her without her head? Doesn’t he want to fondle her legs? What better way to do it then with her hands tied behind her back while locked in the guillotine?  She continues to plead, saying this is one her deepest, darkest fantasies…. he finally acquiesces, and she kneels down, lowers her head into the lunette. We are able to watch her head slide into the lunette from the angle of the basket, and she is quite content as the stock closes down on her.

She is pretty excited to be in this position, in fact she is aroused. She muses over the many victims of the guillotine, and wonders if they too were aroused right before the blade struck off their heads.

After continued musing, she concludes that she would like him to take her head. He is really into it too, but wants to make sure she is serious…there is no putting her back together again.

She assures him she is serious…she wants him to behead her.  Really. Bring it on. Drop the blade. Chop her head off. Decapitate her. 

He teases her…no, he’d rather hang her after all. She’d make a nice decoration, swinging back and forth in the room. She pleads for him to behead her. Take her head off now. She is really begging now.  Think of the fun he’ll have with her headless body. 

Well, if she insists….he drops the blade.

Starring: AltSiren
Keywords: Guillotine, Headless, Surreal, Willing

    ORSIS DREAM - Orsi dreams about holding a caressing Susanne’s dead body.  Her problem is that Susanne is very much alive.  Luck is on Orsi’s side when she discovers Susanne half naked while working on her laptop.  Orsi takes a stocking, and at just the right moment, she slips it around Susanne’s sexy neck and strangles her.  After that, Susanne’s body is Orsi’s to play with.

Starring: Orsi and Susanne
Theme: Strangling

Run Time: 05:32
279 MB

    THREE TREE  Tales from the Nether Lands - Triple Hanging 

A rich farmer has captured 3 beautiful women with the intention of hanging them for their “crimes”.  In his yard he has prepared three nooses and one-by-one he hangs Orsi (nude), Ildiko (underwear) and Susanne (topless).  Another day in paradise 

Starring: Orsi, Ildiko and Susanne
Theme: hanging

Run Time: 09:28 
490 MB

    DOUBLE HANGING - Prisoners Petra and Sammie are executed. They will be hanged side by side. See as the girls struggle when the noose tightens around their lovely neck!

Starring: Petra, Sammie

    THE MOST BEAUTIFUL HEAD - Kelli (K) and Lauren (L) are sitting in the room on the sofa. Both are surfing something in their smartphones.

L: Look! My photos have twice more «likes» then yours!
K: Oh, it’s only because you make mostly selfies of your nice body. All my headshots have more «likes» than yours. If you make more headshots you won’t be as popular.
L: Nonsense, my head would be much more beautiful than yours even if it is shot without my body.
K: Oh, My head would be more beautiful than yours even if it is CUT OFF my body! (moves the finger across her throat)
L: Never, my severed head will look much more beautiful than yours!
K: Let’s bet! I know the execution agency nearby. We can go there, they will behead us and then make photos of our severed heads. We’ll see who gets more “likes”!
L: I agree, let’s go.

Both girls are in another room together with the Executioner (E).

K: Hello. We would like to have our heads chopped off and then photos of them should be posted online.
E: No problem. We can do it right now.
K: How will you behead us?
E: I usually use a sword for it.
K: OK, what shall I do?
E: Just kneel here.
Kelli kneels. Executioner takes the sword and makes a mark at the back of Kelli’s neck. Then he raises the sword preparing for the blow.
K: Wait, please! If you chop off my head now it will fall on the floor and I can hit my face. Then I certainly loose the competition. Is there any other way to behead me?
E: Well, you can place your head on the chopping block and I will cut it off with the axe.
He leads Kelli to the block, helps her to kneel and lay her head on it (to the position like pic 2).
K: Oh, it’s much better (She puts her hands behind the back). You can behead me now.
Executioner makes a mark with the axe at Kelli’s neck and then decapitates her.
L (looking at Kelli’s severed head): Oh, it’s not so beautiful. Now is my turn.
She kneels before the block and places her head on it at the same position.
L: Please, chop off my head now. Make a blow right here (she shows at the middle of her neck with her hand, then puts her hands behind the back).
Executioner makes a mark and then beheads her.

Starring: Kelli, Lauren
Keywords: Axe, Headless, Surreal, Willing

    HANGING AND STEALING - Gaby and Natalie abduct Britney and hang her.  Britney is then stripped, and Gaby and Natalie get into a dispute over Britney’s nice coat.  Gaby uses a 9mm to win the argument.  Natalie’s bra is pulled down and she gets 2 slugs in her chest.

Starring: Britney, Natalie and Gaby
Theme: hanging and shooting

Run Time: 06:07
320 MB

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